A Circle

Experimental Typeface Design


            In my practice, I believe that physical experience could bring much more surprise that digital editing cannot. The idea of the typeface project is inspired by the physical world where I found many shapes/structures/ forms are recombined into incredible outcomes. According to those inspirations, I explore the typeface shape based on a physical system.
             A CIRCLE established a systems to deconstruct typefaces. By using this system, people could deconstruct the typeface and reconstruct it. It provides aplatform for everyone to create new shapes of typeface.


            A CIRCLE 这个项目推出了一 个物理系统,运用此系统可以拆解一个英文字也可以运用拆解的模块去重组一个新的字体。通过这种趣味性的字体实验,拓宽了字体设计和字体结构的可能性,提供了一个 字体研究创造的平台。
