Bookbinding 实验装帧
Workshop 工作坊活动Bookbinding Workshop|2020 |Changsha
实验装帧 Bookbinding 工作坊将纸张3D结构充分发挥,用实验装帧的形式去探索和发现纸质书籍的更多阅读互动的可能性。工作坊通过介绍传统的装帧技术以及装帧的基本操作手法,带领参与者去发现和实验不一样的装帧可能。从书籍内容的角度,用装帧的形式去增强书籍阅读的体验和感受。
实验装帧 Bookbinding is an experimental bookbinding workshop. Through the way of experimental bookbinding, people can explore the way of how to ‘read’ a paper book. At first, we have an introduction of the traditional way of bookbinding and how to use some basic tools. And then we will lead people to explore the possiblities of paper bookbinding in a full dimentional way. We believe that the physical experience of reading through a book will serves the narratives better.
Bookbinding Workshop|2020 |Changsha