Type Game 字体游戏
Workshop 工作坊活动TypeSingularity|2019 |London
since 2019
字体游戏Type Game工作坊是根据字体实验项目《A Circle》延伸出来的互动体验型工作坊。这个工作坊旨在通过游戏互动的方式与参与者们一起探索实验字体创造的可能性。在每一次的工作坊中,作者会根据工作坊的环境以及阶段升级变换每一次工作坊的内容,将趣味注入整个字体创意当中。
字体游戏Type Game is a workshop based on the experimental typeface project "A Circle". The main idea of the workshop is to use physical materials to create typeface through a system Cai create, and provide an interesting way of designing typeface and encourage more creativity.

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